Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Andrew's First Hair Cut

The time had come when Andrew's hair was getting a tad too long in the back and over the ears. So, mommy took this big boy to get his fist hair cut! We headed to Snip-Its down in Coolsprings where they specialize in children's hair cuts. Andrew was in awe as we stepped into the shop. There were fun characters, bright colors and videos anywhere you looked. This was a great first impression! 

Our kind hair-stylist did such a good job making him feel comfortable. Andrew wasn't too sure about the chair at first, but once he noticed the movie on beside him and had a truck in his hand, he was good to go! He now has the cutest big boy haircut. Another memory down in the books!

As the stylist said, "it's starting to rain!". 

Andrew didn't quite know what to think about this "rain".

There's that sweet smile! :)

Sitting so calmly.

Turning his head just right.

Looking at the play area behind him!

And found the movie!

All done!!

Andrew holding his rubber ducky prize! (He really was in a great mood! Just ready to be back in his mommy's arms!)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Months Old!

This 10 month little boy is all boy!!! This last month he has found his love for trucks, dirt, balls and anything with wheels. He could sit and play with his train forever!! (thank you Worth family!!) He is becoming quite the big kid. He is weighing 23 lbs these days and continues to grow by the day. He continues to enjoy playing independently with his toys but has also learned how walking (with holding someone's fingers) can get him to another location. We think he will be walking in no time! 

Some of Andrew's favorite parts of the day include breakfast, lunch and dinner! ;) This boy loves to eat!! Andrew is eating table food and loves it! He also has bottles throughout the day, but has moved past baby food. Some of his favorite foods include blueberries, strawberries, bananas, avocados, lima beans, black beans, pancakes and chicken. He wants pretty much whatever mommy and daddy are having! So glad he is such a great eater! Andrew now has 5 teeth with more coming in! His fingers are constantly in his mouth so we're always thinking another tooth is about to pop in soon! Andrew continues to sleep 10-11 hours a night and continues to sleep with his blue blanket and paci. Something that has changed is his sleeping position. Andrew has learned the wonderful world of sleeping on his tummy. He now almost immediately rolls over to his belly to sleep. 

Andrew's laugh is completely contagious! We cannot help but smile and laugh with him on a daily basis. When he gets excited about something, he begins to flap his arms and hands. It is the cutest thing! He continues to be a very happy baby and has even learned how to be happy in Sunday school class! Yay!! Mommy and Andrew have really enjoyed spending time outside with the warmer weather. Andrew loves to swing and play in the rocks/dirt under his fort. Andrew would live outside if we let him. Every time we pass the door that goes outside, he flaps his arms and kicks his legs saying "I want to go!!". We try to be outside as much as we can! 

Post nap smiles!

Showing off his new big boy shoes!

Andrew loves to play with the recycling items!

Fun at the lakehouse!

Wearing mommy's t-shirt!

This boy and his trucks!

Enjoying the outdoors!

Fun day at the zoo!

While mommy was getting ready, Andrew decided to take matters into his own hands! 

Breakfast at Nashville's famous Pancake Pantry!

Great morning with my family!

Andrew's new sleeping position!

Sometimes teething can be so hard!

Playing with his favorite soccer ball!

Walk and play time at the park!

First Mother's Day with my precious son! So thankful for this little boy!

The Cutest Blog on the Block
